
Why Blogging is Essential for Business?


Blogging or Blog was initially used as a unique platform to share a person’s thoughts, feelings, opinions or experiences an online journal or diary with a minimal following. Today, it has grown into a platform used by millions, everyone from individuals to businesses. The simplicity of a blog makes it easy for anyone to launch a blog and become a self-proclaimed expert.

But how is it important in the business world? If you run a small business, chances are you are wondering if blogging is worth the time and effort. The short answer is a resounding YES! Blogging on a frequent basis is a relatively easy, inexpensive way to enhance your inbound marketing efforts, drive traffic to your site, and attract more prospective customers.

what is the use of blog in websites

According to the study, 57% of companies who have a blog reported acquiring a customer from their blog. In that same study, a survey of marketers revealed that 81% of businesses say that their business blog is useful to critical for their business. Once you have the blog, there are a few things you need to do to help SEO SERVICE even further. Blogging can only help you if you know how to blog properly.

boost your seo ranking

Here are a few reasons why blogging can boost your SEO:

Fresh Content

Search engines love fresh, original content. Your website most likely does not change very often. But, I’m sure you want to keep it on Google’s radar? That’s why you must keep an active blog filled with new and relevant information. Ideally, you should be posting at least a 300-500 word blog each week. If your site hasn’t been updated with new information in a while, someone else will rank higher than yours in the results. By blogging, you build relationships with your readers, position yourself as an expert in the field, and perhaps most importantly, provide new content for Google to index. That is where a blog comes in handy.


Keywords have been important for SEO. Their importance to search engine results is disputed amongst SEO experts. In the past, keyword spamming was a common practice in blogs. Blog posts would consist of the same keywords over and over again regardless of their relevance to the post itself. Now those keywords have to serve a purpose and have to be used sparingly. You really want to make sure you choose unique keywords that will lead searchers to your site but not so unique that no one thinks to use them. If you choose words that are used too often, you won’t get much benefit out of them. Don’t spend too much time on keyword placement and making sure you include the words a certain number of times. The keywords will fall into place naturally!


Backlinking is part of the algorithm Google uses to determine the quality of your content. If other companies are linking to your content then it must be good right? The backlinks need to come from reliable and relevant sources. You can benefit from being linked and linking to others, but there are some things to keep in mind. First, doing things organically is always the best option If you pay to be linked on another website you could end up being penalized. Next, work with reputable, quality sites that fit your blog. When links to your blog appear on sites that have nothing to do with your company, you’ll get another flag from Google. Finally, follow these same rules for any links you use on your own site. As an added note, it is ok to link to your own previous content in your blog!

Images & Videos

Including images & videos on the blog gives one more chance for search engines to find you. Any images or videos should be titled with relevant search terms or keywords. You should never be uploading a file titled img_123 or something similar. Name them with keywords!! It is also important not to ignore alt-text. Alt-text is used to describe whats in an image for those who aren’t able to see images on their computer screens. Just like your keywords, your photos and videos should be relevant to the content on your blog. If you are posting your video to YouTube and then linking to it, be sure to tag it properly so that it can be indexed on its own.

Social Media

It’s a known fact that search engines also pay attention to social media efforts. If you post your blogs on your social media accounts, you give search engines one more way to find your company.

Sharing-worthy content

When your blogs are visited, commented and shared on, they move up in search rankings. If you’re providing quality content, your readers will pass it along. The only way to make sure your blog become popular is to create unique content, provide answers for visitors, and then share your blogs wherever you can.

Indexed Pages

Each blog post counts as a new page on the website. As mentioned above, Google loves fresh content. Websites that include a blog will see up to 55% more traffic than companies who do not blog. The reason for this is the indexed pages. For Google to index your blog pages, you need to include at least 300 words.

Now that you understand why blogging is essential, you probably want to get started as soon as possible.

Posted By Subramanyam

B. Subramanyam is a Founder and CEO at Colourmoon Technologies. Subramanyam possesses vast expertise in team management, business strategy formulation, and entrepreneurship. He is a dynamic leader and pioneer in the tech sector. He loves to share his knowledge about all the topics of website Development app development, online marketing, and changing Digital trends.

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