Digital Marketing Social Media

Hashtags On Facebook May Increase Your Organic Reach In 2024


It can be difficult to increase organic reach on social media. There is tough competition among brands and businesses on social media platforms. Furthermore, each platform has its own algorithm. Business owners are using different social media platforms and trends to increase the engagement of their business online. One of the most useful trends is Hashtags and today in this post we will discuss how hashtags on Facebook may increase your organic reach in 2024.

Facebook Reach

With nearly 2.9 billion monthly active users worldwide, Facebook is a popular social media platform for marketing and advertising. It has a diverse demographic, with many users aged 18 to 54. As a result, Facebook marketing is a strategy that every brand uses.

While paid and sponsored content is a sure-fire way to get your content in front of your target audience, a strong social media strategy is also required. Let’s face it: paid campaigns are expensive, and not all businesses can afford to do them on a regular basis. You can improve your brand’s social media reach by combining paid and organic content. If you have no idea about how this works, Colour Moon provides the best social media marketing by using the right strategy that crafts a place your brand in audience’s mind.

Obtaining the desired results through organic practices is difficult, but not impossible. With the right social media strategies, several brands have achieved their objectives organically. Before we proceed to our main topic “Hashtags On Facebook May Increase Your Organic Reach In 2024”, let’s first know about what a hashtag is actually.

What Is a Hashtag?

A hashtag is a keyword phrase (without spaces) preceded by the symbol #. It’s used within a post on various social media platforms to help people find what they’re looking for. To put it another way, hashtags are meta-data tags that are used to categories all social media content.

To explain the hashtag, consider the following analogy. Bookshelves are used in libraries to organize different types of books. The bookshelves make it simple for readers to locate their favourite books. Similarly, on social media, the hashtag assists in grouping various topics of content to help users find content quickly.

How to use Hashtags Effectively

Hashtags are so common that they can be anything and made by anyone! And, if you want your content to perform well on social media by using hashtags, you should know how to use hashtags effectively. Here is how to use hashtag’s effectively:

  1. Don’t cram too many words in. When using hashtags, remember that less is more. Keep the hashtag short and simple.
  2. The number of hashtags is determined by the platform. In most social media platforms, two or three hashtags can have a significant impact.
  3. Keep your social media accounts public at all times. Using hashtags in private accounts is akin to hitting a brick wall.
  4. Use hashtags that are specific and relevant. Nobody looks for irrelevant or broad hashtags.
  5. Hashtags always begin with the # symbol. You can use hashtags to add numbers, but no spaces, symbols, or punctuation!

Why Should Hashtags Be Included In Your Brand’s Social Media Strategy?

Businesses should always be aware of the latest trends and what their target audience is interested in. That is why social listening is essential. Hashtags enable social listening by informing brands about which terms are trending and what their followers are interested in.

As part of Facebook’s hashtag push, they’ve made it easier for users to find the latest trending hashtags by simply typing “#” plus the term into the search bar. Facebook will also display additional hashtags and suggest similar hashtags.

By making your posts searchable under a category and using hashtags correctly, you can increase the visibility and reach of your post. It also makes your posts more interactive because it functions similarly to clicking a link or providing a call to action. A good example of an interactive hashtag is #StartupBusiness, which encourages the audience to support startup businesses while also categorizing your business as a startup so that it can be easily found.

Businesses that use third-party social management platforms for social media marketing may be limited in the number of hashtags they can use across their social media accounts. While there is no limit to the number of hashtags you can use in a Facebook post at the moment, social media experts agree that using too many hashtags reduces engagement and will not help you gain more likes or followers. It’s best to use them sparingly and with caution. When it comes to hashtags, remember that “less is more.” Quality and relevance are more important than quantity.

Hashtags can be used as an analytics tool to track how your company is performing in terms of social media engagement. The ultimate goal is to make Facebook more searchable. With the number of online businesses increasing by the day, it is critical to get your brand noticed. Businesses should seize any opportunity to be discovered, and hashtags provide that opportunity for your company to reach a larger audience.

6 Facebook Hashtag Best Practices

With a new perspective on Facebook hashtags, consider the following best practises to ensure your efforts are effective:

1. Research Popular Hashtags On The Platform: Before you start using hashtags on the platform, make sure the current content isn’t detrimental to the brand or irrelevant. Simply enter your hashtags into the Facebook search bar to check them. Examine how consumers are currently using the hashtag and in what context the hashtag is being used once the content has been populated.

Furthermore, once your posts go live, I recommend clicking on them again to review the content associated with the hashtag. To refresh your memory, hashtags are live, real-time content lanes. Engage with your hashtags when your posts go live on the platform to capitalize on the relatable connection.

2. Don’t treat your Facebook hashtag strategy like Instagram: Despite the fact that Facebook owns Instagram, they have no desire to be the same. They may have similar features and tools, but Facebook is clear on why users visit each platform. Facebook is all about creating and growing communities, whereas Instagram is dedicated to developing a powerful visual storytelling platform.

The worst strategy for your hashtags and content in general is to have “matching luggage” with Instagram’s hashtag list. It can be off-putting to Facebook users, causing fans who follow both platforms to ignore your Facebook updates. Because the platforms are distinct, they must be treated differently.

3. Consider adding or refreshing hashtags to old yet relevant posts: With the platform’s engagement algorithm in mind, one great strategy is to add or restore your hashtags on content that is no longer recognised as an active post but is relevant to your brand and audience. This is referred to as “bumping” your post back up the algorithm.

Have you ever noticed that if someone comments on an old post, your friends will start engaging with it again as if it were new? That initial comment pushed it back up for the algorithm, indicating that the content was still required. Editing your post to include new hashtags has the same effect, making this one of the most important Facebook hashtag best practices to follow.

4. Don’t overdo it with hashtags: The ideal number of hashtags for Instagram does not correspond to best practices for Facebook. The ideal number of hashtags for Instagram is 10 to 15, but this is too many for Facebook. When adding hashtags to your content, three to five hashtags are ideal. Furthermore, branded hashtags perform admirably on the platform in terms of brand visibility and overall tracking.

5. Consider custom privacy settings: Everything on Facebook is customizable for users, from post-specific privacy settings to changing one’s targeting categories. Everything. When developing your hashtag strategy and overall platform strategy, keep in mind that not everyone will be able to see your content, and hashtags will not change that.

It all depends on someone’s privacy settings, which determine your visibility on the platform for them. User privacy settings take precedence on a brand or public page. This also applies to tagging users in platform content. They must permit brand tags and be linked to the page via a “Like” or as a follower.

Did you know that the interaction on your brand page can be changed? When interacting with brands on Facebook, users have numerous options. When interacting with a brand or public figure profile on Facebook, a user can do the following:

  • Like the page but do not follow the updates
  • Choose not to like the page but to keep up with the updates.
  • Choose to follow the page rather than officially liking it.
  • Choose to like and follow the page to stay up to date.

The options have varying effects on the users, but they are all based on the user’s preference for engagement.

6. Don’t overlook the power of community engagement on Facebook: Unless you discover the power of your community on the platform, your organic content will typically reach 1% to 5% of your audience on average. Consider ways to increase platform engagement, such as unique challenges, highlighting user-generated content, and so on. Facebook recently launched a marketing campaign focused on community building, nurturing, and cultivation. Because it is their priority, incorporate it into your hashtag and content strategy.

Facebook hashtags are not meaningless. With the right strategy, they can help you capture your audience’s attention through discovery and increased visibility. If you’re revisiting your Facebook hashtag strategy, be intentional with your content and keep your audience in mind as you outline your strategic approach.

Facebook Hashtags story

With over 80 million small businesses using Facebook pages to get their message out there. Hashtags are unique keywords that increase the discoverability of content on social media platforms. They are curation tools that convert topics into clickable links that lead to additional posts or images on the same topic.

When Facebook introduced hashtags in 2013, they were met with skepticism. In fact, a Buzzsumo study found that Hash tagged posts performed worse than untagged ones. Facebook’s recommendations for marketers on how to use them and what to do with them were not exactly laid out in a playbook.

Facebook’s hashtag usage guidelines were not updated even during their 2016 update. However, Facebook is changing its tune this year. To increase reach, it is now encouraging users to use hashtags. Facebook on many occasions issued several notifications to its users and has a dedicated page to explain: “How do I use hashtags on Facebook?”

How to find new Hashtags on Facebook

So far, here’s what you need to know about using hashtags on Facebook:

  1. Like Instagram, you can easily find out what hashtags are trending on Facebook by typing them into the search bar on either the desktop or mobile apps.
  2. On the main Facebook mobile app, simply begin typing your desired hashtags and Facebook will provide additional suggestions.
  3. Create your own hashtag sets to use in various posts for specific purposes, just like Instagram.

When you use Meta’s Creator Studio (or Business Suite), you’ll see the option to click the ‘#’ symbol, which takes you to Facebook’s hashtag search, save, and add page.

Also, when you use Creator Studio (or Business Suite) to create posts for Facebook or Instagram, typing the # sign and the beginning of a hashtag automatically populates with suggested tags. The number of posts that include that hashtag will be displayed to give you an idea of its popularity. If you haven’t already, you can connect your Instagram account to Facebook, and your Instagram hashtags now (finally!) have more impact on Facebook. Use a mix of hashtags in the millions, hashtags in the hundreds of thousands, and hashtags in the thousands.

Facebook Page Management

If you’re a business owner, you might be having one or more pages on Facebook. But are you effectively managing your Facebook page? 

There are more than 200 million businesses on Facebook targeting and engaging with customers every now and then. From small businesses to large giant brands, everyone caters for some of the other information to their target audience.

Attract the Facebook audience and grow your followers rapidly, with our exclusive Facebook page management service.

We at Colour Moon Technologies, have a team of experts for growing your business on Facebook and other social media platforms. Our experts are well-versed with the use of hashtags and how they can help you page or post grow organically on Facebook. At Colour Moon Technologies, we provide reliable social media marketing services including page management to our customers. Our social media marketing efforts have proved to be effective in generating sales, reaching the targeted audience and growing Facebook pages

Benefits of a Business Facebook Page

The focal point of your Facebook sociability, brand awareness, and lead generating efforts is your Facebook page. By setting up a Facebook Commercial Page, your company has the opportunity to interact with other businesses in the same niche, forge connections with social media influencers, and establish crucial business ties.

How Hashtags on Facebook Increase Your Organic Reach

Every platform has its own search algorithm, which determines how posts are delivered to users. Brands will need to pay attention to how they draft their content in 2024 and cater to the platform’s search engine. Because of the competition on social media platforms, this is becoming even more important. The purpose of posting is defeated if your content does not reach the right users.

Social platforms rank your posts based on the title, description, hashtags, and so on, and then show them to people who are interested in those topics. Before you post, do some research to see which posts are currently showing up and what content they have used to generate ideas for your posts.

Hashtags On Facebook May Increase Your Organic Reach In 2024

In 2024, hashtags will play a significant role in social search. Unlike search engines, social platforms focus on behavioral targeting. Posts are displayed based on a user’s previous interactions, and this curation is largely accomplished through the use of hashtags (along with other factors like the title, the content creator, and so on). To stay relevant in 2024, make sure you post according to trends and use the appropriate hashtags.

As previously stated, Buzz Sumo examined over 1 billion Facebook posts from over 30 million pages. They also discovered that posts without hashtags receive more interaction than posts with hashtags. Does this imply that we should never use hashtags on Facebook? Not quite.

There are best ways to use hashtags in your Facebook marketing strategy, and you can see great results.

According to Post Planner, using too many hashtags reduces engagement, but using 1-2 hashtags can increase interactions.

  • Posts with 1 to 3 hashtags received an average of 593 interactions.
  • Posts with 3 to 5 hashtags received an average of 416 interactions.
  • Posts with 6 to 10 hashtags received an average of 307 interactions.
  • Posts with more than ten hashtags received an average of 188 interactions.

So going from two to three hashtags resulted in a significant decrease in engagement!

How to use hashtags on Facebook

Then how to use hashtags on Facebook read here:

  • Hashtags must be written as a single word with no spaces between them.
  • Use hashtags (1 or 2) only when necessary and use something relevant so that people can filter or find more relevant conversations.
  • Use industry-specific hashtags as well as hashtags that are unique to your brand and relevant to your audience.
  • Make your evergreen content more discoverable by using hashtags. For each hashtag used, Facebook generates a unique URL. This means that you can use them to find content.
  • If trending topics are relevant to your brand, use hashtags.
  • To find other trending hashtags related to your specific tag, use tools like
  • Numbers are permitted within a hashtag, but punctuation and special characters (such as $ and%) are not permitted.

To summarize, use them with caution. They will otherwise cause more harm than good.


Facebook is an excellent social networking site. With a current user base of 2.93 billion and growing, it must be a part of your business marketing channel. Reaching the audience all across the globe with your social media presence is via Facebook only.

As more content becomes available to users, it can be difficult for any algorithm to select a piece of content to showcase in a limited amount of time. The most difficult challenge over here is increased competition for News Feed space. As a result, organic reach is difficult.

Hashtags should be cross-platform so that you can track the overall social media engagement on each word or phrase you use. Your ultimate goal on Facebook should be to become more searchable, and hashtags can help you get there.

You can also use different hashtag finder tools available on the internet that search for relevant or trending hashtags. This makes it easier to strategically plan your hashtags, whether you intend to use them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or all three.

And, if you follow the advice in this article, you can significantly increase your Facebook organic reach. So now it’s your turn. What is the average organic reach of your Facebook page? What strategies are you employing to improve it?


What is a good organic reach percentage?

A good organic reach ranges between 2% and 15%, depending on the type of content you post and how you use hashtags. Furthermore, different metrics exist for various social media platforms.

Should businesses use hashtags on Facebook?

If hashtags are used correctly, a business should use them. It’s pointless to include hashtags just for the sake of including hashtags that no one will monitor or care about. Use hashtags (one or two at most) when they make sense and when you use something relevant that people can filter on to find more relevant conversation. If I wanted to start a conversation about social media tools, I’d use the hashtag #socialmediatools and then encourage people to talk about it.

How to find the perfect hashtag for Facebook posts?

It’s not as simple as sprinkling the first few hashtags that come to mind when you consider using one in your content. Before allowing the hashtag to creep into your Facebook posts, make sure it’s relevant and popular. Some pointers include:
Examine the hashtags that your followers are already using.
Examine what trends are going on.
Examine your competitors’ posts.

Posted By Subramanyam

B. Subramanyam is a Founder and CEO at Colourmoon Technologies. Subramanyam possesses vast expertise in team management, business strategy formulation, and entrepreneurship. He is a dynamic leader and pioneer in the tech sector. He loves to share his knowledge about all the topics of website Development app development, online marketing, and changing Digital trends.

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