Development Mobile Apps Development Technical

Questions For Startups Before They Decide To Have An App


Mobile usage has skyrocketed as people around the world become more accustomed to the digital environment. In the same context, this reliance on technology has spawned aspiring business people who are developing original, cutting-edge concepts. As a result, every entrepreneur now considers the entire process of creating an app to be essential. But it’s not that easy for them to get started there are definitely challenges and Questions for startups before they decide to have an App.

Mobile apps can increase sales by being more practical and user-friendly provided they are properly developed and reflect your concepts. But you have to acknowledge that the whole procedure from concept to app creation might be tiresome. Even the available platforms, such as Android or iOS applications, provide a number of difficulties. Let’s assit you today in this regard.

It becomes clear with time and some experience that there must be many questions before you begin developing an app. Exactly that is what we are going to talk about today. Before creating an app, every startup must consider these queries. As simple as it is.

First things first, you will absolutely need a mobile app for your business. And we will include all the convincing arguments in this article. So stay tuned.

if you are already certain about the product you want to build and are only looking for the suitable tech team. Save your time and get in touch with us today.

What Having An App Means For Your Business

Every method of client contact has been transformed by innovation in the shape of handheld electronics. Do you not concur? Building an app for your business idea is therefore crucial in the current environment. According to Statista, there were 7.1 billion mobile subscribers globally in 2021, and predictions indicate that number would likely increase to 7.26 billion by 2022. Global mobile usage is anticipated to reach 7.49 billion people in 2025.

Therefore, if you are thinking otherwise, it might pave the way and direct everything to a more organised way of interacting with your clients or leads.

Consider this blog to be a necessary stage in the development of your company, and then begin developing the most effective application for your target market.

It is undeniable that entrepreneurs frequently place a greater emphasis on the idea than on its implementation. And believe me when I say it is the worst error a company can make. Take a step back, ask the following questions, and then go forward in accordance after.

Brief Statistics About Startups

Stunning mobile apps are being created by many startups in order to engage their user base and make a large profit when they are released. And certain statistics can back this up.

  • iOS and Android apps accounted for 26% of all global investment.
  • Consumers paid nearly 143 billion USD on app subscriptions, a 20% increase from the previous year.
  • 2020 saw a 26% growth in mobile ad spending to 240 billion USD.

Significance of Website or Mobile Application Development For Startups

No matter how big their sector is, applications for startups have developed into an essential marketing tool. Many business owners believe that mobile app development for startups is too expensive or useless. But in reality a mobile app may actually help a small business to communicate and grow their customer base, generate sales, and improve their market reputation.

Below are some key reasons why an app is significant for startups:

  • Reach Potential Customers Easily & Quickly: When you run a business offline, you have no idea how to create a startup and connect with your target market. However, if you have an app, you may quickly and simply connect with potential clients. Since 92% of all time is spent on apps, attracting potential clients is simple.
  • Better Customer Retention Rate: Customers: might be drawn in by your competitors in a variety of methods. However, if you run your business using an app, you can increase customer retention. People shop online because they find it convenient, efficient, and profitable.
  • Improve Brand Visibility: How many people are aware of your offline business’s existence? Only those who are close by, including friends, family, and a few vendors. However, if your company has a website, millions of individuals are aware of it. Therefore, an app increase brand visibility.
  • Easy Access for a Large Number of Customers: You can attract more clients when you operate an internet business. This is due to how simple it is for people to purchase goods and services online. Your services are easily accessible to a huge number of consumers. Additionally, you gain from it in addition to them.

Questions For Startups Before They Decide To Have An App

Mobile apps are essential for every business owner to have in order to enhance sales due to the rise in mobile usage. However, it’s impossible to ignore the reality that creating an iOS or Android app has its share of difficulties. It is believed that everyone who is interested in working in the mobile app development market is extremely terrified of failing, but it is crucial for them to take certain risks in order to grow. Young businesspeople, on the other hand, embrace challenges and have high dreams.

Organizations opt to take the plunge and begin developing the next top app on the market because they view this as a necessary step in the evolution of their company. Entrepreneurs, however, are more intrigued by the concept than by its viability and the best way to apply it. The project must be examined internally before the “launch” button is pressed, and the foundation that will support it must be evaluated.

Entrepreneurs’ constant search for solutions is the only thing that will ensure the success of releasing startup app concepts. A significant question might have one solution right now and an entirely another one later on. Even years of planning and research won’t give you all the answers up front, so the only way to succeed is to figure things out as you go.

So, if you’re thinking about starting a business, the information above will be quite helpful. You should be aware of key questions before you start a business and employ a top mobile app development firm. They are crucial for new businesses. You risk creating a poor app or website if you don’t ask these questions.

Before deciding to create an app, every entrepreneur should consider the following questions. Without further ado, learn more about the impactful questions below.

1. Does your startup need an app?

This should be the first question you consider before making any investments. This is more complicated than just asking if you want tea or coffee. Additionally, there isn’t a universal solution. Various parameters must be carefully taken into account during this process. You may always experiment with a mobile app development guide to understand more about the same.

Identifying the stage your company is in would be one of the most crucial ones. You would need to invest time and money in app development. Therefore, it’s crucial that you consider the type of financial security you possess and whether an app will increase the amount of money you make.

2. What are your Customer’s Needs?

Building a business app should only be motivated by the “needs of the customer.” You are creating a mobile app for the incorrect purposes if the request stems from a desire for fame, business promotion, or making quick cash. What is the current issue or problem that you are attempting to resolve? The app should provide services for requests that your company already handles or plans to expand its scope of services to. 

You should be clear on the workflows of your app, the services it would be offering, and the method your organisation is going to facilitate those services in order to assess whether you understand the app you have imagined. If you have your idea penned down, you’re done with the first step of building an app.

3. What is the purpose of your app?

You must first decide whether your startup or company actually needs an app. It’s crucial to realise that the app shouldn’t be created merely because every company wants to have one. It ought to have a clear, logical aim.

Is your app concept original or merely another version of a widely used market product? Is there anything unique about your app idea—if it’s currently well-liked—that could set it apart from competing products?

Simply stating the goal is insufficient; the concept also needs to be workable. Conduct a feasibility analysis. This covers data-driven, statistical, and predicative market research. With all of this data, you can determine potential and profitability. With the use of this information, you must decide whether the time and money spent were worthwhile.

You must assess the stakeholder organisations and target users who might be interested in the app. The success of your app will be directly impacted by these parties.

4. Which is the most suitable platform for the App?

Which operating system does your target market prefer—Android, iOS, Microsoft, or another? The most comprehensive app store is offered by Google, followed by Apple and Microsoft. As a result, depending on their budget, app developers typically start with iOS before moving on to Android. It is debatable whether this app should be developed on a hybrid platform or a native platform. 

Hybrid platforms produce code for several platforms during a single development cycle, but their final product is not regarded are resource-efficient and must be adjusted for each platform. Native applications are designed to offer a stable application with reliable performance.

5. What makes your App different from competitors?

You undoubtedly have rivals in your industry, and they all work hard to offer a variety of services that will maximise client satisfaction. How does your app distinguish itself from the wide range of competing products on the market? This differentiation can be made based on a variety of factors, including extra services, improved workflow, distinctive user interface, alternative distribution methods, increased speed, and so forth.

The goal should be to offer an upgraded and distinctive portal to better utilities through your programme rather than to duplicate the characteristics of your rivals. These extra features would set your company apart from the competition, thus they should complement your business concept. Therefore, it is essential to respond to and take action on the question “What sets your application apart from the competition?” before moving on.

6. What will be the cost to Build an App?

What is the budget that you have set aside for the development of your app? is a sub-question of this one. A number of variables affect how much an app costs, which include:

  • Does it work on a desktop, tablet, phone, or other specialised equipment?
  • What level of security, such as SSL or DoS, does the application require?
  • Which external APIs does it need to communicate with?
  • Are there going to be any analytical features included into the app?
  • What methods of payment processing does it provide?
  • Do users of your app need to log in? And the services that we need to integrate with (Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, etc.) to make it happen.
  • How much specificity should be put into the UI of the app?

All of these variables affect your app’s complexity and scalability, which will be taken into account when estimating its cost. Working with independent contractors, hiring developers with set deadlines, having a dedicated team of in-house developers, or outsourcing your application to a software development company are all choices that might significantly affect your costs.

7. How long will it take to develop my App?

One part that would begin as soon as the application’s needs were set forward is project planning. The majority of programmes have a main function that is surrounded by supporting features. Is it possible to create all the features at once before the app launches, or do we have to do them later in instalments? The time between ideation and deployment is shortened by starting with a stable version of the programme and gradually adding features to it. The development process has an impact on how long it takes to develop your app in addition to complexity. This also heavily depends on the development team you pick to collaborate with, so make a good choice.

8. How do you protect your App idea?

Whatever group you choose to collaborate with, you must erect a legal wall around your application idea. You must have a non-disclosure agreement in place before collaborating with any external development team, including independent contractors and software development companies. Once the NDA has been signed, you feel confident in telling your development team about your idea, including all of its details. An NDA can also specify the precautions and compensations to be given in the event of a breach, in addition to the types of information that the receiving party is required to keep confidential.

These are followed by considerations for your app’s hosting, launch, marketing, and monetization strategies, which come after the evaluation of your project’s wireframe. The adventure is not over after the product is ready. The process of app maintenance, upgrading the APIs to reflect changes in the OS, and continuously removing problems is ongoing. To keep your user base interested, you must also think of new features to improve your apps. Consequently, having the app ready is the first step on the route to continuous reflection on how to serve your clients more effectively.

9. How Will You Raise Funds for Your Application? 

Another important perspective is this one. Let’s make the assumption that you require a financial professional while considering the cost of building an application. Do you have the pitching arrangement? Remember that the way you pitch will determine your ability to change the course of events. You can read more about how to raise capital for your mobile app in our article.

To make a better pitch, you need to combine a few things; the first is confidence in your ideas and yourself (without being pompous); the second is an illustration of the entire concept, from development to launch and further how you’ll adapt (try to keep in mind that only 1% of applications succeed, while the remaining 99% fall short of their creators’ expectations). To obtain funds, you will also need to locate a venture capital company.

10. How Can You Prevent App Failure?

Last but not least, this is a crucial query to assure app success and avoid time and financial losses brought on by failure. Consider your strategy for handling any challenges!

Understanding users and analytics is one way to start. This will offer fantastic insight into creating the best app. Define your marketing strategy, including a plan for initial or ongoing promotions in order to achieve stable growth.

Regular updates based on user feedback are essential for giving consumers the greatest possible app experience. Therefore, decide how frequently to update the app.

Startup App development


Here are some crucial elements to consider as a conclusion. These queries could all change based on the project at hand. It makes sense, right? But keep an eye on these details; believe me, you need to inquire and get clarifications on them.

Hopefully, this article covered all the key subjects that entrepreneurs especially startups and the teams working on their apps need to be familiar with before they begin development.

Don’t give up if you haven’t gotten there yet, too. Instead, take action and work with app development businesses to start the process. Contact Colour Moon if you require assistance with the development of your idea or even with creating an MVP.


Should a startup entrepreneur have a fixed budget for app development?

You won’t enjoy displaying all of your cards. That is just! But instead of giving a specific number, how about giving a range? Doing so will be useful when the enterprise/startup app development company creates the proposal.

I can assure you that planning the cost estimate for developing an app is challenging because there are so many factors to consider. However, being aware of the budget will enable you to prioritise and make the most of the finished products while keeping in mind the important aspects. You must at least establish a range in order to scope the project.

What are the risks that you feel associated with your mobile app?

Your app’s development cycle may be impacted by a few external dependencies. Dealing with them could help you save a lot of time and money. Have a risk registry and maintain it up to date before the project begins. Make sure each risk has a plan of action and that the owners are in charge of reducing the risk that it will hinder the development of a successful app.

Which company should a startup prefer for developing an app?

India-based company  Colour Moon is a reputable mobile app development business for entrepreneurs. They take the time to learn about your company in addition to concentrating on making attractive designs and apps. Colour Moon is a mobile app company that offers a wide range of services for popular new websites and applications, including mobile app development, web development, UI/UX design, graphic design, and explainer video production.

Posted By Subramanyam

B. Subramanyam is a Founder and CEO at Colourmoon Technologies. Subramanyam possesses vast expertise in team management, business strategy formulation, and entrepreneurship. He is a dynamic leader and pioneer in the tech sector. He loves to share his knowledge about all the topics of website Development app development, online marketing, and changing Digital trends.

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